Duke – National University of Singapore in collaboration with Jaffna medical faculty planned to arrange a training program to their medical students to learn about the preventive care activities, field level preventive care programs, preventive sector and curative sector coordination, community based palliative care, mental health programs and care for cancer patients. Sri Lanka is a country, which preventive care indicators are compared to developed countries and return on investment to health is very high, so this program had been beneficial to Singapore medical students’ learning perspective.
Established in 2005 through a partnership between Duke University School of Medicine in the USA and National University of Singapore, Duke-NUS provides a critical learning environment that draws from the best of both universities to prepare doctors and scientists who can transform the practice of medicine and improve lives.
Duke – NUS planned to give one-week training to their medical students with collaboration of Jaffna Medical Faculty from 01.04.2024 to 04.04.2024. Two academics and Twelve graduate medical students were attended the training program. Their main objectives of this training program were
31st of March they arrived Sri Lanka and evening our dean Prof.R.Surenthirakumaran and Dr.S.Nithiyananda, Deputy Director of Teaching Hospital Jaffna met the Duke – NUS medical students and academics to discussed about overview of our health system in Sri lanka.
Day 01
01st of Apr: Medical students visited Jaffna Teaching Hospital to learn about health system in Sri Lanka by director and deputy director of THJ, see outpatient and inpatient areas, ward, clinics, Operation Theatres, Museum and services in rehabilitation Centre in THJ.
01st of April evening Dr.S.Kumanan, Seniour Lecturer, Department of community and Family Medicine met the Duke – NUS medical students and academics to discussed about overview of our Family health system in Sri lanka and Our Family Medicine activities.
Day 02
02nd of Apr: DUKE-NUS students visited to Karachchi and Poonakery villages in Killinochchi District to observe community empowerment program.
The Journey was started from Family Health Center by knowing the conceptual framework of community empowerment program in rural areas followed by the brief introduction about the service delivery of Family Health Center and its contribution to use women empowerment as a tool to improve the quality of life among rural communities. Around 10am, the team was welcomed by Dr Thushiyanthan, RDHS Killinochchi District and he took all to observe life skill development program at K/Vivekananda Vidyalayam. During the life skill development program doctors observed the children who were not socialized. Also they suggested few support to the school principle to improve their socialization and academic performance.
The team visited to Poonakery in the evening and met mothers supportive group members. Trained Community Health workers organized an empowerment program for their mothers supportive group members at Jeyapuram Clinic center. The games and team work activities facilitated to identified the active participants who can support the public health midvifes and link their community with primary health care. Doctors enjoy the demonstrations and took photographs with women active participants.
Day 03
03rd of Apr: Medical students visited Delft
NCD screening was done in a community Center in delft (Blood pressure, Fasting blood sugar, height, weight, BMI was measured) and also health education regarding NCD prevention was done.
The team visited to Neduntheevu Roman Catholic Girls College. The Students were examined to pale, heart sound, lung sound, pediculosis, scabies, dental caries, lymphadenopathy and vision. Height and weight of a child was measured and BMI was calculated according to that. Also referrals were done to the needed children by Dr.P.A.D. Coonghe. Meantime health education was given to grade 8 and 9 regarding the food and nutrition most towards to prevent anaemia.
Day 04
04th of Apr: Medical students visited to a poly clinic at Ariyali to learn about ante – natal care activities, vaccination, child welfare activities and well women program.
Kaithady sidha hospital
Hospital system in kaithady sidha hospital was explained. Pharmacy, ward set up, herbal garden and different type of therapy (head massage, leech application, herbal steaming..) were observed.
Elders home – Kaithady
Services available in elders home were explained. Had a talk with the elders to study how their mentality when they are in elders home and how they are supposed to be in elders home. Observed how elder’s home is systematically arranged by considering the abilities of elders.
04th of April evening medical students visited Cane hospice to learn about their setting and palliative care to cancer patients.
04th of April Evening, Singh Health team visited to Neuro rehabilitation at Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipay
The team visited to Pediatric neurodevelopment clinic, Green Memorial Hospital Manipay to observe the community health workers facilitated skill development program for the special need children. Children played dance, music and games with doctors.
Finally programme ended with Dinner Party @ J – Guest Hotel