The book launch of the book titled ‘Urology Essentials’ was organized collaboratively by the Jaffna Medical Association and Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna on 23rd August 2024 at 1.00 pm in the Hoover Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine. This event was graced with the presence of our chief guest Dr.Anuruddha Abeygunasekara, Consultant Urological Surgeon.
The event commenced with the traditional lighting of the oil lamp. The lamp was lit by Prof.R.Surenthirakumaran, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, the chief guest Dr.Anuruddha Abeygunasekara and Dr.V.Sutharsan, President of Jaffna Medical Association.
The welcome address for the event was delivered by Dr.Anne Nirushala, Temporary Demonstrator of Department of Surgery. Then Dr.B.Balagobi, Senior lecturer and Consultant Urological Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine introduced the chief guest of this event. The chief guest Dr.Anuruddha Abeygunasekara, Consultant Urological Surgeon addressed the gathering and conveyed his blessings to Dr.B.Balagobi for publishing this book. Following the chief guest address, the token of appreciation was given by Prof.R.Surenthirakumaran Dean, Faculty of Medicine and JMA token of appreciation was given by Dr.V.Sutharsan President of Jaffna Medical Association. Dr.V.Sutharsan the President of Jaffna Medical Association addressed the gathering giving a glimpse into his memories of medical career.
Thereafter, the book titled ‘Urology Essentials’ was officially launched by Prof.R.Surenthirakumaran Dean, Faculty of Medicine with the author Dr.B.Balagobi Senior lecturer and Urological Surgeon. The first copy of the book was received by the chief guest Dr.Anuruddha Abeygunasekara followed by Dr.V.Sutharsan and on behalf of each batches student representatives received the copies.
The event was officially concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr.M.Thuvaraka, Temporary Demonstrator of Department of Surgery and with a closing remarks given by Dr.B.Balagobi.