Krish is the Joint Director for the Centre for Health Data Science and Professor in Health Data Science and Public Health at University of Birmingham, UK. Krish’s research interest spans across methodology development in epidemiology to clinical research in diabetes, endocrinology, women’s health and multimorbidity. Krish’s unique innovative methodological programme of work, known as “Automated Clinical Epidemiology Studies (ACES)”, has led to the University of Birmingham gaining an international reputation for being one of the few universities globally to have successfully researched and knowledge-engineered epidemiological study designs into computer executable formats. University of Birmingham was the first to implement such a platform in the United Kingdom and publish the methods in a peer reviewed epidemiology journal. The software within the ACES platform, named DExtER (Data Extraction for Epidemiological Research) has resulted in more than 100 peer-reviewed original research publications and has raised over 20 million pounds worth of research funding in the last 3 years.