The book “Laboratory guide to Semen Analysis” was launched on 11th of March 2025 prior to the awarding ceremony of certificate course in semenology for batch 2. The book was authored by Dr.S.Raguraman, Dr.B.Balagobi and Dr.R.S.Jeyendran.
The book is a fine tool for medical laboratory technologists, which defines the basic semen analysis concepts, providing the reference values, elucidates the relationship between sperm characteristics and their relevance for clinical diagnosis.
It provides step-wise approach to every aspect of semen analysis.
The book was launched by Prof.S.Srisatkunarajah, Vice chancellor, University of Jaffna and the copies were given to Prof.R.Surenthirakumaran, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna and Prof.K.Muhunthan, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology who has been an immense support and provided the foreward without any hesitation.