The workshop on semen cryopreservation and semen banking was held on 11th of March 2025. Several topics were covered during the session by doctors from different specialties. Overview of semen cryopreservation and semen banking was discussed by Dr. Balagobi, Rules and regulations in cryopreservation was covered by Dr.S.Raguraman, Dr,R.S.Jeyendran was discussing about the Basics of cryopreservation which was followed by an active discussion on low resourse setting ART By the panel consist of Dr.N.Saravanabava, Dr.J.Kajendran, Dr.S.Raguraman, Dr.B.Balagobi and Dr.R.S.Jeyendran. At the end of the workshop there was a hands on session at the embryology laboratory, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Medical officers, Junior doctors, Nursing staffs and the students who have finished the course in semenology have participated in this session. They were given opportunities to ask questions in between and the doubts were answered then and there.
It was a knowledge replenishing workshop in a nut shell.