
Workshop on Problem based learning

A workshop on Problem based learning was held on 21.09.2012 and 22.09.2012. Prof. P. T. Jeyawickramarajah was the resource person for the workshop. Following this workshop, we introduced PBLs to Phases I and II of the curriculum. Since then, we have periodically conducted half day workshops to prepare our demonstrators and academic staff to facilitate PBL sessions.

Workshop on learning, communication and assessment

This workshop was held on 21.12.2012 and 22.12 2012. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Prashanthie Vivekananda – Schmidt from the Academic Unit of Medical Education, Medical School, University of Sheffield.

Soft skills development workshop

On 23/11/2013 a workshop was conducted to identify the gaps in the current Medical and AHS curricula in soft skills and including them in the curricula. The participants included all the academic staff and resource persons who take part in teaching in the personal and professional development stream. In addition, discussions on portfolios and clinical audit were also included.

ALERT course

As part of the collaboration between Anglia Ruskin University and the Faculty of Medicine, Jaffna, a four day programme was conducted from 16.03.2015. ALLERT is a course that is aimed to assist doctors, ward nurses, and other staff (e.g. physiotherapists, paramedics) to recognise the ‘at risk’ patient and to initiate the simple treatment required to prevent the spiralling cascade of multi-organ failure, and to improve the communication skills required to facilitate further care. Three resource persons from Anglia Ruskin University took part in the workshop.

Joint session of MEU with College of Medical Educationists

A joint academic meeting between College of Medical Educationists (CME) and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna was held on 21st of October, 2016 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. The program included presentations on the current trends in assessment, ensuring reliability and validity of assessment, and outcome based education.

Introduction to LMS

A half day workshop was conducted on 14/06/2014 to introduce the online learning management system to the academic staff of the Allied Health Science Unit of our faculty.

Producing educational material

The unit also produces educational material. One such project is assisting the department of Psychiatry to film and edit their lectures and uploading them to the LMS to assist in conducting flipped classes. The students could learn the theory during their own time and could take part in active discussions during the teaching sessions.