Dr. (Mrs.) S. Udhayakumar

Dr. (Mrs.) S. Udhayakumar

BVSc (Peradeniya), MPhil (Colombo)

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Jaffna

nanthini@univ.jfn.ac.lk, sivananthini01@gmail.com
Research Interests
Senior Lecturer in Anatomy (Gr 1) 01.01.2014 – up to date
Head, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 01.08.2021 – Up to date
01.05.2012 – 30.04.2015
Acting head/ Anatomy 25.08.2008 to March 2009 & 15.06.2009 – 15.08.2009
Member of the board of study in basic and medical sciences Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. 01.06.2021 – up to date
Faculty representative of Monitoring and Evaluation Subcommittee of the center for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna 04.01.2021 – up to date
15.02.2019 – 31.10.2019
Head, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 13.08.2020 – 17.05.2021
Acting Head 13.06.2019- 12.08.2020
Coordinator for preclinical studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 01.12.2016- 30.11.2021
30.03.2009 – 31.12.2010
Acting preclinical coordinator 25.08.2008 – March 2009
Faculty representative for improving English language skills under University Development Grant (UGD) – HETC project 20.04.2011 – 2014
Student Counselor / Faculty of Medicine 03.04.2014 – 31.08.2015
Member of the board of study for medical Sciences, Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna 30.05.2014 – 30.11.2015
Treasurer / Faculty of Medicine, Teachers Association 11.02.2009 – 08.06.2011
B.V.Sc 1997 University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
M.Phil (Anatomy) 2008 University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Peer reviewed publications in refereed journals
  1. Rajendraprasad,R, Sivananthini,S.(2003). Abnormal hepatic artery – a case report. Anatomical Adjuncts.3 (3) pp 31 – 33

  2. YokanathanVaseethan,SivananthiniUdhayakumar. (2014). Multiple arterial variations in the right upper limb. Anatomy Journal of Africa. 3 (2): 313 – 317

  3. Udhayakumar, S. and Yasawardene, S. G. (2015). Aortic annular measurements in fresh post- mortem hearts: a study in Sri Lankans’ -Ceylon Medical Journal.60 (4): 148-151.

  4. Niranjan, R. and Udhayakumar, S.(2019). Anatomical variations of femoral vessels- Case report. Jaffna Medical Journal 31(2): 42 – 43.

  5. Udhayakumar,S Kalaiyukan s, Srishankar (2020). Compeddium of vascular variations in the anterior cervical region and right up per limb – A case Report, Jaffna Medical Journal 31(1) : 50-53

  6. Udhayakumar S, Nilojan JS, Keetheeswaran N, srishankar S (2021) A unique Anatomical variation of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle: a cadaveric case report, Sri Lanka anatomy Journal (SLAJ), 5(1) 2021, 62-68

  7. Sivananthini Udhayakumar , Yasawardene S G (2021) Morphological variations and morphometry of the papillary muscles of the mitral valve – a cadaveric study, Jaffna Medical Journal, Vol.33, No.2, Dec 2021

Peer reviewed Presentations at National / International Conferences / Symposia
Published as full papers
  1. Udhayakumar, S. and S Yasawardene, S. (2014). A Preliminary study on anatomy of the main trunk of left coronary artery in Sri Lankans Proceedings of Jaffna University Research Conference (JUICE 2012) full paper published in March 2014 pp 129 – 135

  2. SivananthiniUdhayakumar and Yasawardene, S. G. (2014). Morphological and morphometric analysis of mitral valve leaflets in a Sri Lankan population – Fresh Autopsy Study. Proceedings of 1st Annual International Conference on Macroscopic & Microscopic Anatomy (CMMA 2014) , Singapore, 21 – 22 July 2014, 7 – 14

Published in Abstract form
  1. Sohana S, Umayal S, Romini N, Sivananthini U (2018) Anatomical variation of the lateral cord of brachial plexus and the median nerve – a case report. Proceedings of Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna 72

  2. R Niranjan, S Uthayakumar and SG Yasawardene (2018) Kissing superior parathyroid glands – A case report. Proceedings of the twenty-Fifth Annual Session of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA), 17

  3. Sanchayan S, Sakunthalamedi A, Sivananthini U, Sivapalan K (2017) Students’ perception of integrating Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. Proceedings of the twenty-Fourth Annual Session of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA), 17

  4. Niranjan R, Coonghe PAD, Muhunthan K, Udhayakumar S. (2016) Relationship between umbilical cord and anthropometric measurements of term newborns : a preliminary study Proceedings of the Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2016) 69 – 70

  5. Noiranjan R, Uthayakumar S, Yasawardene SG (2015). Unusual localization of parathyroid gland inferior to the thyroid gland, absence of the isthmus of thyroid gland and intra thyroid thymic tissue – a case report. Annual scientific sessions, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 1st & 2nd April 2015, 43

  6. Romini Niranjan, Sivananthini S and Surangi G Yasawardene (2014) Branching pattern of inferior thyroid artery and its relationship to the recurrent laryngeal nerve in Sri Lankans Proceedings of the 1stRuhunu International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON 2014), 37.

  7. S Udhayakumar and SG Yasawardene (2014). Fresh autopsy study of dimensions of adult mitral valve in Sri Lankans. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions , Sri Lanka ( IPURSE) ,Vol. 18, 4th& 4th July 2014,

  8. Niranjan , S. Udhayakumar , and S.G. Yasawardene (2014) Topographical Variation of Parathyroid Glands in Sri Lankan : a Post mortem Study Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions , Sri Lanka ( IPURSE) ,Vol. 18, 4th& 4th July 2014, 258.

  9. Romini Niranjan, SivananthiniUthayakumar, P.A.D Coonghe, K. Muhunthan. Comparison of birth weight and umbilical cord diameter of male and female newborns poster presentation in the FIGO-SASFOG- SLCOG International conference 1st Oct 2014.

  10. YokanathanVaseethan and SivananthiniUdhayakumar (2014) Formation of median nerve by three roots and its relation with axillary artery – a case report. Proceedings of the twenty first Annual Session of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA), 46.

  11. Niranjan, S. Udhayakumar , and S.G. Yasawardene (2014) Variation in position of isthmus of thyroid and location of parathyroid glands in a Sri Lankan population. Poster Presentation at Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) 127th Anniversary International Medical Congress 15th – 18th July 2014, 149.

  12. Romini .N , Udhayakumar .S  and  Yasawardene S.J  (2014). Anatomical locations of parathyroid glands in relation to the cricoid cartilage and tracheal rings. Jaffna Medical Faculty Overseas & Local Alumni Association Joint Scientific Session (JMFOA) 18th – 19th July 2014, 48.

  13. Udhayakumar and R Niranjan (2013) Anomalous origin of the left vertebral artery – a case report Proceedings of the twentieth Annual Session of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA), 19

  14. Niranjan R and Udhayakumar S (2013) Communication between the musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve – a case report. Proceedings of the twentieth Annual Session of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA),18

  15. Yokanathan V and Udhayakumar S. Multiple arterial variations in the upper limb and its clinical significance – a case report. Poster presentation at Jaffna Medical Association (JMA) Annual Scientific Sessions 2013, 41

  16. S Udhayakumar and SG Yasawardene (2012) An autopsy study on aortic annular measurements at the sinutubular junction in adult Sri Lankans. Proceedings of the 68th Annual Sessions of Sri Lankan Associaion for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)  09

  17. Udhayakumar S and SG Yasawardene (2012) Morphological variations of papillary muscles of mitral valve in normal human hearts. Proceedings of the nineteenth Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association (JSA) 44

  18. Sivananthini U (2006) The location of coronary arterial ostia in the normal hearts of Sri Lankans. Proceedings of the fourteenth Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association (JSA) 54
Books / Study guide published in the relevant field
  1. Clinically Oriented anatomy of Female Pelvis by Udhayakumar.S & Raguraman.S

  2. ‘Clinical Anatomy – Upper limb – based on case scenarios with the approval of MEC on its 35th meeting (29.11.2017) & 335th Faculty board (held on 20.12.2017.)

Gross Anatomy – Heart & Brain