The Research and Higher Degree Committee (RHDC) is a subcommittee of the faculty board, governs the research and higher degrees of Faculty of Medicine (FM) of the University of Jaffna (UOJ). The committee monitors, reports, recommends/ advises and supports the activities related to research and high degrees of the faculty. Activities of RHDC are discussed at the faculty board and approved by the faculty board and either informed to or forwarded for approval of Senate of UOJ.
Functions and responsibilities of the committee are to
Members of RHDC are appointed by the faulty board. The term of the Committee is three years and the committee is reconstituted by the faculty board every three years.
The RHDC is accountable to the Faculty Board. Minutes of the RHDC meeting are sent to the Faculty Board.
The RHDC meets every other monthly or otherwise as required in order to perform its functions. At least six meetings must be conducted per year.
Special meetings may be conducted based on the needs.
Minutes and agenda are circulated at least seven days prior to the meeting. Urgent papers will be taken up at the meeting itself.
Applications for research allowance or documents for review should be submitted one week prior to the scheduled meeting by the dean’s office.
At any meeting of the Committee, one half of the voting membership plus one constitutes a quorum.
Any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings will be replaced.
Generally, decisions are made by consensus. Where a unanimous decision is not reached voting is permitted.
The administrative staff of the Dean’s office will provide secretarial and administrative support to the RHDC.
Unconfirmed minutes are circulated to members prior to the next meeting. At the meeting, the minutes (with any necessary changes) will be confirmed. The minutes will be proposed, seconded, and recorded in the minutes. In case of urgent matters, the minutes will be read twice and confirmed in the same meeting.
The RHDC shall review of its policies, practices and procedures over the preceding annually.