Basic Rules for Students


On admission to the University, students must obtain their identity cards from the Admission Branch.  This card should be carried by the students at all times, and produced when required.

Any change of address must be immediately brought to the notice of the Dean/Medicine and Admission Branch.

Students have to conform to the rules of the Hospital and other institutions they may visit during the course.

Students should maintain proper standards of conduct, dress and behaviour.

Dress Code for Medical Students

The dress and appearance of medical students should be appropriate to the medical profession as they engage with teachers, patients, and clinical colleagues.

All students should maintain a high level of personal hygiene and appearance. Clothing should be clean and tidy and in a good state of repair.

Photographic identification badges must be carried/worn at all times in addition to the name badge and be presented as required.

Appropriate deportment and dress are applicable during working hours, whenever academic sessions are underway within the faculty premises, when students engage in community/field activities, during activities representing the Faculty or the University, and during any official engagements, including examinations. When students are required to wear scrubs or white coats its design and colour shall comply with the specifications approved by the faculty.

Record Book

Students must obtain their record books from the Office of the Dean. Record of satisfactory completion of academic and clinical work will be entered in the record book at the end of each term or clinical appointment and certified by the authorized person. A student will not be allowed to sit for examinations if the record book is not certified.

Leave and Illness

A student should not absent himself without leave.  Students who require leave should apply in writing to the Dean through respective coordinators with copies to relevant Heads of Departments in advance.  For clinical appointments, the leave should be recommended by the respective consultant.  If the absence is due to unforeseen circumstances, the leave application should be submitted at the earliest opportunity.

In case of illness of more than three days a medical certificate issued by the University Medical Officer should be submitted to the Dean.

If a student falls ill just before or during any examination (in course or end of course), he/she should present himself/herself to the University Medical Officer or if in a hospital, the Medical Officer responsible.  The University Medical Officer and the Dean should be informed immediately.  When necessary the University Medical Officer shall arrange for the candidate to appeal before a Medical Board.  Students should note that the medical certificate will be valid only if issued or certified by the University Medical officer.

Student Attendance

Pre-Clinical and Para-Clinical Course

Students should have a minimum of 80% attendance in practical classes, tutorials, dissections, small group discussions, demonstrations, problem/case-based learning sessions, and Journal Clubs. Attendance in the Pre-clinical course will be summarized and reported at the end of terms 3 and 4. In the Para-clinical Course (including PPDS phase II and EBPRM) attendance will be summarized and reported at the end of Terms 7, 10 and 11. Students who have less than 80% attendance in one or more subjects are not permitted to sit for the examination(s). Students whose attendance is found to be less than 80% will be instructed to follow the course with the subsequent batch to make up the attendance. If such a student fails to make up 80% attendance in the repeated period, the student will be referred to a special committee of three senior teachers to look into the problem and recommend a suitable course of action. The recommendation will be placed before the Faculty Board and the Senate for the final decision. All students who repeat the course will lose eligibility for a class at the respective examination unless the Faculty Board and the University Senate accept the excuse given by the student.


Clinical Course

Attendance at the pre-professorial clinical appointments will be recorded at the end of the appointments. Students with less than 90% attendance in any clinical appointment must repeat the appointment with the same consultant (if the consultant is agreeable) or under another consultant who will accept the student. Absence, even less than 10% of the duration of the clinical appointment, must be approved by the concerned consultant. If not, the student needs to repeat the appointment as instructed by the consultant. Students will be permitted to proceed from Phase II to Phase III if they satisfactorily complete all pre-professorial appointments. Students who fail to meet this requirement will miss the batch and lose eligibility for a Class,
unless the excuse is accepted by the Faculty Board and Senate. Attendance at the professorial appointments will be summarized and reported at the end of each rotation. Students with less than 90% attendance
or less than 10% absence without the approval of the
Head of Department, will not be allowed to sit for the Final Examination and will be requested to follow the Phase III course with the subsequent batch. Such students will miss the batch and lose eligibility for a Class unless the excuse is accepted by the Faculty Board and Senate.

Conditions for admission to Medical Hostels

All students following the course of Medicine can apply for accommodation in medical Hostels: Kanagasuntharam Hostel for Male Students and Sivagnanasundram Hostel for Females.  Even though these hostels are placed in the same compound, they will remain two separate hostels administered by separate wardens and sub-wardens.

  1. Order of Priority: All Professorial Students, students from outside the North Province, students from outside the Jaffna District and students from Jaffna District.  Students from Jaffna district will be accommodated on the basis of the distance from the Teaching Hospital.
  2. Period of accommodation: Students will be given accommodation for a maximum of one year at a time.  With the commencement of each professorial appointment, new applications will be called and students will be admitted on the basis of fresh applications.
  3. Admission Committee: When problem arises regarding admitting students to Hostels because of lack of rooms, a committee comprising both wardens, student counselors of the Faculty of Medicine and two representatives from MSU will decide on the eligible students based on the priority mentioned above.  Dean will be the Chairperson.
  4. Hostel Committee: As soon as the students are allocated rooms, students in each hostel will elect a committee to represent matters related to hostel accommodation which will be dissolved at the end of current period of accommodation.  The committee should be approved by the wardens and the dean to become operational.  The composition of the committee should be such that it represents students from all batches and the President and the secretary should be sufficiently senior in the Faculty and acceptable to all concerned.
  5. Rules to be followed
    • The students should be respectfully dressed on leaving the room for any purpose.
    • The male students should not enter the female hostel and the female students should not enter the male hostel except for events in the lecture hall.
    • Any combined activities should be held in the open space with the permission of the wardens and the Dean through respective sub-wardens.
    • Entry of outsiders into the hostel is strictly prohibited.  They may come and meet the students in the common rooms of the respective hall.
    • Alcohol or other intoxicants are strictly prohibited in the hostels.  Any student found under the influence or possession of these materials will be subjected to disciplinary action.
    • Peace and harmony should prevail in the hostel to providing a conducive learning environment.
    • Recreational activities should be organized in such a way as to avoid disturbance to others with the permission of the sub-wardens.
    • Water should be judiciously used and wasting of water should be prevented for the benefit of all students in the hostel.
    • Drinking water provided in one specified point, in the dining room, should be used only for drinking purposes.

All wastes, including sanitary pads and left over food, should be disposed in containers kept for the specific purpose and they should not be thrown indiscriminately all over the hostel leading to un-hygienic consequences and blocking of the waste water channels

Student Charter