Retired from service on 13.02.2017
Oct 1975 to Oct. 1976. Intern Medical officer- at GH Kurunagalla
Oct.1976 to Aug. 1981. MOI/C, PU Akkarayankulam
Sept. 1981 to todate Lecturer in Physiology at Faculty of Medicine
Oct. 1984 to Oct 1987 Commonwealth Scholarship for PhD- University of Leeds.
(Tutor and demonstrator for Medical and Dental students at University of Leeds)
1987.10.11. Promoted to Senior Lecturer Grade II
1991.10.11. Promoted to Senior Lecturer Grade I-
1996 Displaced to Vanni in – Vacated post on 15 July 1997
1998.11.01 to 2002.05.05 Appointed on Contract as MOH, Mallavi and given the responsibility of administration and the
Patients in medical wards of Government Hospital, Mallavi
June 2002. Reinstated at the last held position at the Faculty
August 2003. Elected as the Dean of the Faculty-
24.07.2007 Promoted to associate professor
11.09. 2012 Appointed as Head Physiology [on completion of third term of office as Dean]
Current appointments:
2010 to to date : Chairman, Ethical Review Committee
Past appointments:
Head of Department:
Head Physiology – from 11.09.2012 to 30.09.2016
Head Physiology – From 1983.10.03 to 1984.10.10
Head Physiology – From 1994.07.05 to 1997.07. 04
Head Pathology- From 2002.07.01 to 2003.08.18
Dean of the Faculty- From 18th August 2003 to September 2012.
As Dean, looked after Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Community Medicine, Pathology,
Forensic Medicine and Physiology until another senior teacher was available to be appointed as Head
Course Coordinator:
BSc in Pharmacy- from 01/07/2006, 2007.
BSc in Nursing- from 01/07/2005 to 2011
BSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences- 2012
Participation in Faculty Activities:
- Secretary to the Curriculum Committee 1983, 1984. Later again from 1991 to 1996. From 13.01.2003.
- Secretary to Research Committee in 1991.
Participation in University activities:
- Member of the Sports Advisory Board from 1988 to 1995 and Chairman of the board during 1992, 1993 [two academic years]
- Member of the Committee of VC Welfare Fund- since April 1990 till 1996.
- Member of the Computer Advisory Committee from April 1990 to 1996.
Student Councillor:
Student Councillor- 01.09.1988 till 15 July 1997
Senior treasurer to MSU –From 1992 to 1995 [3 years]
PhD thesis and publications from it:
PhD Thesis
Sivapalan, K. (1987) The Effects of Dividing the Rat’s Energy Intake into Varying Numbers of Meals.University of Leeds, UK
Publications from thesis:
- Hervey, G. R., Sivapalan K, and Tobin G. (1986) Automated feeding of rats by gastric cannula. Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 25- 26 July 1986, published in, Journal of Physiology, 381, p5.
- Sivapalan K and Tobin G. (1987) Effects of meal frequency on energy expenditure and body weight in adult rats. Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 19-20 December 1986, published in, Journal of Physiology, 386, p62.
Book not submitted for a degree:
Functions of Alcohol and its effect (Tamil- Mathuvin tholitpadum vilaivukalum) 1995. K. Sivapalan. Published by the University of Jaffna.
Presentation at conferences published
- SivapalanK. (1993) Nutritional aspects of food and food habits- Theme seminar on Food and Food habits. In, Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association- April 1992, pp 27 – 40.
- SivapalanK. (2004). Environmental Sanitation- an Experience at Mallavi. Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association- April 2003. 11(2), pp 68-74.
- Sivapalan K. (2004). Health Science and Peace [Theme seminar on “Science for Peace”]. Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association-April 2003. 11(2) pp 85-96.
- SivapalanK.(2005). Reproductive Health. Section C Chairperson’s address at the Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association- April 2004, 12(2), pp 46-64
- SivapalanK.(2006). Health of young people. Section C Chairman’s Address at the Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association- -April 2005. 13(2), pp33-38.
- Sivapalan K. (2008). Sleep Well. Section C Chairman’s Address at the Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association, May 2008, 15(2), pp 34-47
- Sivapalan, K.(2009). Food for Health. Presidential Address at the Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association, 2009, 16(2), p-63-73
- Sivapalan K. (2011). Medical Education in Jaffna. Professor C. Sivagnanasundram memorial oration at the scientific sessions of the Jaffna Medical Association in 2009. The Jaffna Medical Journal, 27(1), pp 6-13.
- Sivapalan K. (2013). History of allopathic medicine in Jaffna. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 21- 22 November 2013, p 9
Sivapalan K. (1995). Functions of Alcohol and its effect (Tamil- Mathuvintholitpadumvilaivukalum) Published by the University of Jaffna.
Chapter in a book:
- Sivapalan K. (2003) Reproductive health- anatomy, physiology and adolescence [Tamil]. In Reproductive Health, Published by the University of Jaffna.pp 9 -24.
- Sivapalan K. (2003) Alcohol and human life [Tamil]. In Reproductive Health, Published by the University of Jaffna, pp 48 – 52.
Presentation at conferences published as abstracts:
- Balasubramaniam M., Sivapalan K. and Keshavaraj A. (2014). Ulnar nerve conduction parameters and the effect of age and gender on conduction velocity in carpal tunnel syndrome patients. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2014, p 20
- Mahinda K and Sivapalan K (2014). The Quality of graduates vs resource in a medical school: a lesson from a war affected medical school. Proceedings of the XXXI Educational Meeting of the Network Towards Unity for Health, 19-23 November 2014, p63 (TPS 123)
- Balasubramaniam M., Sivapalan K., Gunarajasingam D and Wimalasekara S. (2015). Corrilation of performance in viva and SEQ examinations in Physiology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 27- 28 November 2015, p 19.
- Balasubramaniam M., Sivapalan K. Tharsha J, Sivatharushan V, Nishanthi V, Kinthusha S and Dilani M. (2015). Blood pressure values of Sri Lankan Tamils Living in Jaffna District. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 27- 28 November 2015, p 23.
- Balasubramaniam M., Arujun R, Sivapalan K and Kesavaraj A. (2015). Normative median and Ulnar nerve conduction parameters in young adults. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 21- 22 November 2015, p 45.
- Balasubramaniam M, Arujun R, Sivapalan K and Kesavaraj A. (2015). Normative median and Ulnar nerve conduction parameters in young adults. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Jaffna Medical Association, 3rd-5th December 2015, p 19.
- Balasubramaniam M, Wimalasekara SW and Sivapalan K. (2016). Peak expiratory flow rate of Sri Lankan Tamil Adults aged between 20 and 60 years in Jaffna District: A preliminary finding. Proceedings of the Scientific Sessions 2016, FMS USJP in collaboration with SJGH, p 8
- Shobijah K, Vasiharan N, Puvana A, Nusra M.P.F, Balasubramaniam M, Sivapalan K. (2016). A normogram for peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of Sri Lankan Tamil children in Jaffna district. Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association, July 29th-31st 2016, p-60-61.
- Balasubramaniam M., Sivapalan K. Tharsha J, Sivatharushan V, Nishanthi V, Kinthusha S and Dilani M. (2015). Blood pressure values of Sri Lankan Tamils Living in Jaffna District. Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association, July 29th-31st 2016, p64-65.
- Jasothara P, Thabotharan D, Sivapalan K (2016). Factors associated with constipation among patients admitted to female medical wards at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 9th International Research Conference, KDU, Sri Lanka, 8th-9th September 2016, p-248.
- Shobijah K, Vasikaran N, Puvana A, Nusra, Balasubramaniam M., Sivapalan (2016). A nomogram for peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of Sri Lankan Tamil Children in Jaffna district. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 25- 26 November 2015, p 32.
- Balasubramaniam M, Wimalasekara SW, Sivapalan K. (2016). Priliminary results on lung function parameters of Sri Lankan Tamil adults in Northern Province. Proceedings of the fifth biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAPCON-2016) at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 10-12 November 2016, p-249
- Vasikaran N, Puvana A, Shobijah K, Balasubramaniam M, Nusra MPF, Sivapalan K. (2016). Reference values for blood pressure of healthy Sri Lankan Tamil children in Jaffna District. Proceedings of the fifth biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAPCON-2016) at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 10-12 November 2016, p-269
- Sanchayan S, Sakunthalamedi A, Sivananthini U and Sivapalan K (2017). Student’s perception of integrating Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. Proceeding of the Jaffna Science Association, 03-05 March 2017, 24(1), p 17.
- Sooriyakanthan M., Vasikaran N, Puvana A, Shobijah K, Nusra MPF, and Sivapalan K. (2017). Reference values for blood pressure of healthy Sri Lankan Tamil children in Jaffna District. Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association, August 10th to 12th 2017, p39.
- Sooriyakanthan M., Achutan K., Prasath P., Pranavan S., Kapilesan P. and Sivapalan K. (2017). Comparison of Body fat estimated by skin fold thickness and bioelectrical impedance and correlation with obesity indicators in students at Faculty of Medicine at Jaffna. Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association, August 10th to 12th 2017, p41.
- Aravinthan V, Kajanan S, Thuvaraga P, Sooriyakanthan M, Sivapalan K (2017). Simple visual, simple auditory, choice and discrimination reaction times of young adults and correlation of reaction times with intelligence quotient and working memory. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 24- 25 November 2017, p 42.
- Sivapalan K, Parameswaran S.V., Senathiraja (Ms) S. and Thrurairajah (Ms) T. (1990) Effects of mild physical exercise on white cell count. Presented at the Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association on 1990.05.25.
- Sivapalan K. and Arumugam (Ms) S. (1992). Effects of tobacco dust on lung function- a preliminary study. Presented at the Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association on 1992.04.24.
- Sivapalan K. and Suntharalingam (Ms) V. (1992) Effects of long distance cycling on lung function- a preliminary study. Presented at the Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association on 1992.04.24.
- Sivapalan. K. (2003). Village health program for health education and environmental sanitation. Proceedings of the Jaffna Medical Association on 22-24, February, 2003.pp16-17.
- Kannathasan S., Surenthirakumaran R. and Sivapalan K. (2008). A comparative study on modified small group discussion versus traditional tutorial: among medical undergraduates of University of Jaffna. Presented at the Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association in May 7-9, 2008, 15(1), p68.
- Sathees S, Sivapalan K, and Sivayogan S. (2012). Influence of personal factors perceived stress level of students of College of Nursing, Jaffna. In, Proceedings of the Jaffna University International Conference- 20-21 July, 2012, p-105.
- Viniththira V and Sivapalan K (2012). Knowledge, compliance and factors that influence the compliance of Universal Precautions among nurses. In, Proceedings of the Jaffna University International Conference- 20-21 July, 2012, p-110.
- Kamalarupan L., Sivapalan K. and Sivarajah N. (2012). Factors Affecting the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding at Birth in the Jaffna Municipal Council Area. Proceedings of the 44th APACPH Copnference, 13-18 October 2012, pp-241,242
- Sivapalan K. (2012). Benefits and problems of exercise. Presentation in the Symposium on “Exercise Physiology” at the 3rd Biennial Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP-3) in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL), 7-10 Nov.2012, p-44.
- Balasubramaniam M, Sivapalan K, and Thuvarathipan R (2013). A comparison of two different instruments for measuring peak expiratory flow: Asma PLAN Peak Flow Meter versus Micro Quark Electronic Spirometer. Proceeding of the Jaffna Science Association, 17-19 April 2013, 20(1), p 21.
- Kamalarupan L, Sivapalan K, Sivarajah N and Surendrakumaran R. (2013). Factors affecting the early initiation of breastfeeding at birth in Jaffna Municipal Council area. Presented in the regional scientific meeting of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka held on 29 June 2013, Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 22.
- Balasubramaniam M, Sivapalan K, and Thuvarathipan R and Arujun R. (2013). Lung funhction parameters of Tamil Students at Faculty of Medicine, Jaffna. Presented in the regional scientific meeting of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka held on 29 June 2013, Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 22.
- Arujun R, Sivapalan K, Keshavaraj A, and Balasubramaniam M (2013). Overview of neurological investigations carried out at Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jaffna. (2013). Presented in the regional scientific meeting of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka held on 29 June 2013, Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 23
- Sathiadas G, Sivapalan K and Sanchayan S. (2013). Correlation between student’s perception of achievement, student feedback and marks obtained at the physiology end of course examination. Presented in the regional scientific meeting of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka held on 29 June 2013, Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 23.
- Nishara R, Sivapalan K and Thabotharan D. (2013). Prevalence of work related musculoskeletal pain among nurses and its relation to working environment in surgical wards, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 17
- Balasubramaniam M and Sivapalan K. (2013). Lung function parameters of Muslim students at University of Jaffna. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the PSSL, 21- 22 November 2013, p 19
Unpublished Papers:
Sivapalan K, (1991). Exercise in Health and Disease. Presented at the Jaffna Science Association on 1991.10.23.
Sivapalan K, (1992). Health Problems of office workers. Presented at the Jaffna Science Association on 1992.11.04.
Sivapalan K, (1993). Nutrients and Health (Tamil- Ooddachchathumudalnalamum). Presented at the seminar on ‘Healthy Life’ organised by the Extra Mural Studies Unit on 1993.04.24.
Sivapalan K, (1993). Exercise and Health (Tamil- Udatpayitchyumudalnalamum). Presented at the seminar on ‘Healthy Life’ organised by the Extra Mural Studies Unit on 1993.05.05.
Sivapalan K, (1994). Physiology of Alcohol. Presented at the Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association on 1994.04.24.
Articles written for newspapers and magazines
- Sivapalan K. (1993). Physical exercise that gives healthy life. (Tamil- Sugavalvutharumoodatpayitchi.) Nankoorum, 1(12), pp. 12-15.
- Sivapalan K. (1993). Fly that gives disease. (Tamil- Nooitharumee.) Nankoorum, 2(3), pp.27-29.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Our Health is in our hands (Tamil- emathuarokiamnamathukaikalilthan) Uthayan, 23.01.1994
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Introduction to Diabetes (Tamil- SalarogamPattriyaorrarimugam) Eelanatham, 28.01.1994.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Use of Alcohol at puparium: False belief. (Tamil- Mahapeetrukalamathuppavanai: moodaththanamananambikai) Nankoorum, 2(4). pp.4-6.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Can I become a mature girl overnight? (Tamil- Oraenalilperiyapillaiaaveno?) Nankoorum, 2(6), pp.7-10
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Sleep with dream is essential for the brain to function properly (Tamil- moolainankuseyatpadakanavudankoodiyathuukkamthevai). Uthayan, 07.03.1994.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Constipation can affect the healthy life of man (Tamil- Malachchikalmanithaninsugavalvaipathikkum). Ikkiyatheepam, June 1994.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Bacteria can cause dangerous diseases (Tamil- Bacteriakkalpayankaranooikalaiundakkum). Ikkiyatheepam, July 1994.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Let us eat local food (Tamil- Ulloorunavuunpom). Salaram, 3(11), pp.18-19.
- Sivapalan K. (1994). Introduction to Immunity- part I. (Tamil- Noyethirpupattriyaarimugam) Salaram, 3(11), pp.15-17.
- Sivapalan K. (1994) Introduction to Immunity- part II. (Tamil- Noyethirpupattriyaarimugam) Salaram, 3(12), pp.7-9.
- Sivapalan K. (1995). Uses and problems of mouth (Tamil- Vayinpayankalumpathipukalum). Salaram, 4(2), pp. 9-12.
- Sivapalan K. (1995) Water Balance of the body. (Tamil- udalinneerchchamanilai). Sugamanchari[Published by the Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jaffna, 1(2), pp. 19-21.
- Sivapalan K. (2013) Basic needs for healthy life. Published by the Jaffna Managers Forum in Voice for Change, pp 65-71.