Prof. T. Kumanan

Prof. T. Kumanan

MBBS ( Jaffna), MD ( Colombo), FRCP Edin, FACP, ISHF.

Chair and Professor of Medicine & Consultant Physician.
Department of Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Jaffna.
Research Interests
University of Jaffna   
  • Professor of Medicine & Chair, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.
  • Honorary Consultant Physician, and Board-certified Specialist in Internal Medicine, Teaching Hospital Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  • Member of the research and scholarship committee of Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.
  • Member, Board of Study in Medicine, faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
  • Editorial board member of Journal of the Jaffna Science Association.


Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
  • Trainer for the MD Medicine Training program
  • Examiner for all components of MD training program in General Medicine.


  • Adjunct Senior Lecturer, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia.
  • President Elect and council member, Sri Lanka Hypertension Society.
  • Member, Board of Management, PGIMS, University of Peradeniya.


Previous Positions
  • Head, Department of Medicine from October 2010 to September 2016
  • Acting Head – Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna from 01.6.2011 to 30.6.2014
  • Warden Medical students’ hostel, University of Jaffna.
  • Student Councilor – University of Jaffna
  • Regional advisor & coordinator of PGIM for postgraduate trainees in Medicine, Jaffna (2011-2016)
  • Member board of study in Medicine at PGIM Colombo (2011-2016)
  • Editorial Board Member of Jaffna Medical Journal
MBBS 2000 University of Jaffna
MD 2006 PGIM- University of Colombo
FRCP 2014 Royal College of Physicians – Edinburgh
FACP 2016 American College of Physicians
ISHF 2020 International Society of Hypertension
  1. Tharmaratnam, T., Kumanan, T., Iskandar, M.A. et al. Entamoeba histolytica and amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri Lanka: a public health problem. Trop Med Health 48, 2 (2020).

  2. Suganthan N, Sakthilingham G, Kumanan T. Dengue fever complicated with acute liver failure: A case report of expanded dengue syndrome and literature review. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. January 2020. doi:10.1177/2050313X20913428

  3. Kumanan T, Sujanitha V, Sreeharan N. Amoebic liver abscess: a neglected tropical disease. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 Feb;20(2):160-162. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(19)30696-6. PMID: 32006496.

  4. Joseph AD, Kumanan T, Aravinthan N, Suganthan N. An unusual case of remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema: Case report and literature review. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. January 2020. doi:10.1177/2050313X20910920

  5. Suganthan, N., Kumanan, T., Kesavan, V. et al. Vitamin D status among postmenopausal osteoporotic women: a hospital based cross-sectional study from Northern Sri Lanka.BMC Nutr 6, 15 (2020).

  6. Kumanan T, Rajasooriyar C, Guruparan M, Sreeharan N. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of Critical Health Care: Experience From a Non–High-Income Country. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2020;32(8):473-475. doi:10.1177/1010539520963626

  7. Suganthan N, Manmathan R, Kumanan T. Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury associated with thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate (Evisect) poisoning. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. January 2020. doi:10.1177/2050313X20954942

  8. Thineskaran P, Abiramy K, Kumanan T, Sujanitha V, Suganthan N, Selvaratnam G. Extensive Superior Vena Caval Territory Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism: A Rare Clinical Entity of Haemorrhagic Pancreatitis. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, vol. 2020, Article ID 8072307, 3 pages, 2020.

  9. Kumanan T, Malaravan M. The optic fundus of secondary polycythaemia. J R Coll Physicians Edinb. 2020 Jun;50(2):171-172. doi: 10.4997/JRCPE.2020.222. PMID: 32568294.

  10. Perera IA, Lakshman P, Kumanan T, Suganthan N. Cardiogenic Shock with Severe Myocardial Injury: A Rare Presentation of Leptospirosis. Jaffna Medical Journal. 2020;32(1):39–40. DOI:

  11. Thineskaran P, Selvaratnam G, Kumanan T, Suganthan N. Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: A Story of Successful Management of a Severe Paraquat Poisoning. Jaffna Medical Journal. 2020;32(1):47–9. DOI:

  12. Kumanan, T., Sujanitha, V., Rajeshkannan, N. et al. Nocturnal systolic blood pressure pattern of type 2 diabetic hypertensive men with erectile dysfunction: a cross sectional study from Northern Sri Lanka. BMC Res Notes 12, 696 (2019).

  13. Jayadas, T.T.P., Kumanan, T., Arasaratnam, V. et al. The clinical profile, hematological parameters and liver transaminases of dengue NS1 Ag positive patients admitted to Jaffna Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka. BMC Res Notes 12, 604 (2019).

  14. Joseph, A.D.D., Sirisena, N.D., Kumanan, Tet al. Hypoparathyroidism, Sensorineural deafness and renal disease (Barakat syndrome) caused by a reduced gene dosage in GATA3: a case report and review of literature. BMC Endocr Disord 19, 111 (2019).

  15. Selladurai P, Sagayanathan PA, Kumanan T. Blistering skin lesion: A new observation of Hottentotta tamulus (white scorpion) sting. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. January 2019. doi:10.1177/2050313X19834187

  16. Anne D.D.Joseph, Jebananthy Anandaselvam Pradeepan, Thirunavukarasu Kumanan, Muthusamy Malaravan. Combined Left Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Bilateral Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuritis: A rare Presentation of Giant Cell Arteritis. Case Reports in Rheumatology, vol.2019, Article ID 3236821, 3 pages, 2019.

  17. Arujun, R., Kumanan, T. and Sujanitha, V., 2019. The iron and testosterone levels in amoebic liver abscess patients – a preliminary study from northern Sri Lanka.  Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, 9(2), pp.141–145. DOI:

  18. Kumanan, T., Sujanitha, V. and Nadarajah, R., 2019. The impact of population mobility on dengue: an experience from Northern Sri Lanka.  Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, 9(2), pp.98–102. DOI:

  19. Pirasath, S., Kumanan, T., Selvaratnam, G., Sujanitha, V. and Dikowita, D.D., 2019. Duodenal biopsy: an unexpected confirmatory test for a patient with al-amyloidosis.  Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 28(1), pp.65–69. DOI:

  20. Sreeharan N, Kumanan T, Sujanitha K, Guruparan M. New hypertension guidance has major implications for countries with low resources. BMJ. 2019 May 29;365:l2296. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l2296. PMID: 31142448.

  21. Dyskeratosis congenita with a novel genetic variant in the DKC1 gene: a case report. Vithiya Ratnasamy, Suganthan Navaneethakrishnan, Nirmala Dushyanthi Sirisena, Nana-Maria Grüning, Oliver Brandau, Kumanan Thirunavukarasu, Casey L Dagnall, Lisa J McReynolds, Sharon A Savage, Vajira HW Dissanayake.BMC medical genetics 19 (1), 85.2018.

  22. A study on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue among hospitalized patients from Northern Sri Lanka. T Kumanan, D Logeswaran.Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 8 (2)2018.


  23. Factors contributing to hypoglycemia among patient with diabetes presenting with symptomatic hypoglycemia to a tertiary care centre of northern Sri Lanka. N Perinpanathan, T Kumanan, A Mahalingam.Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism 8 (2). 2018

  24. Amoebic liver abscess and indigenous alcoholic beverages in the tropics.T Kumanan, V Sujanitha, S Balakumar, N Sreeharan.Journal of Tropical Medicine 2018.

  25. An unusually late presentation of sporadic coloboma of optic disc. R Manmathan, T Kumanan, M Malaravan, V Sujanitha.Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 5 (1), 1-4.2018.

  26. Scimitar syndrome: A rare cause of right sided palpitations in an adult.IA Perera, T Kumanan, M Guruparan, IR Ragunathan.Sri Lankan Journal of Cardiology 1 (1), 71.2018

  27. A case of fatal acute fatty liver of pregnancy and literature review.SG Perera IA, Pradeepan JA, Mayorathan U, Kumanan T, Muhunthan K.International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.2018

  28. Blood group AB is associated with severe forms of dengue virus infection. K Murugananthan, S Subramaniyam, T Kumanan, L Owens, N Ketheesan et al. VirusDisease 29 (1), 103-105.2018.

  29. Acinetobacter Prevertebral Abscess: Presenting as Dysphagia in a Diabetic Patient
    R Manmathan, T Kumanan, JA Pradeepan. Case reports in infectious diseases 2018

  30. Cheilitis: An unusual presentation of Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis
    V Sujanitha, T Kumanan, S Felicia, N Suganthan.Clinical Case Reports2018

  31. Cardiogenic Shock: An Unusual Initial Presentation of Churg-Strauss Syndrome
    M Apirami, JA Pratheepan, T Kumanan, M Guruparan, G Selvaratnam
    Case reports in rheumatology 2018  

  32. Amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri Lanka: first report of immunological and molecular confirmation of aetiology.S Kannathasan, A Murugananthan, T Kumanan, D Iddawala, NR de Silva et al. Parasites & vectors 10 (1), 14.2017.

  33. Epidemiology and factors associated with amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri LankaS
    Kannathasan, A Murugananthan, T Kumanan, NR de Silva et al. BMC public health 18 (1), 118.2018.

  34. A study on knowledge, awareness, and medication adherence in patients with hypertension from a tertiary care centre from northern Sri Lanka.S Pirasath, T Kumanan, M Guruparan
    International journal of hypertension 2017. 

  35. Persistence of amoebiasis in northern Sri Lanka–a public health failure
    S Kannathasan, NR De Silva, T Kumanan. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 48 (2).2017

  36. Essentials of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)
    T Kumanan. Jaffna Medical Journal 30 (1), 5-10.2017

  37. Coma vigil a rare neuropsychiatric complication of a pan sensitive Salmonella infection
    U Ratnayake, T Kumanan, G Selvaratnam.Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 7 (2).2017

  38. Euglycaemic ketoacidosis in a non-diabetic primigravida following an appendicectomy
    DD Dikowita, T Kumanan, K Muhunthan, J Arulmoli.SAGE open medical case reports 5, 2050313X17700743. 2017

  39. Clinical and virological characteristics of the first two outbreak of dengue in a region without a past history of dengue.K Murugananthan, PAD Coonghe, T Kumanan, A Murugananthan, …
    Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM).   2017

  40. Mechanisms involving myocardial injury in tropical stings and bites. T Kumanan, M Guruparan, R Vithiya, I Gawarammana. Case reports in emergency medicine 2017.                       

  41. Euglycaemic ketoacidosis in a non-diabetic primigravida following an appendicectomy. DD Dinushi, T Kumanan, K Muhunthan, J Arulmoli.SAGE Open Medical Case Reports Volume 5: 1–2.2017

  42. Eales disease: A rare primary perivasculitis of the retina. R Vithiya, M Malaravan, P Jebananthy, T Kumanan. Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.2017

  43. Characteristics of the elderly patients admitted to surgical casualty due to falls: a study from northern Sri Lanka.T Kumanan, K Umapathy, G Karthick. Sri Lanka Journal of surgery.2017

  44. Amoebic liver abscess: an unusual cause for a right iliac fossa mass: a case report
    V Ratnasamy, K Thirunavukarasu, K Selvam, M Arumugam. BMC infectious diseases 16 (1), 741.2016.

  45. Acute myocardial injury after scorpion (Hottentotta tamulus) sting.R Ratnayake, T Kumanan, G Selvaratnam.     2016.

  46. Unilateral retinal racemose haemangioma with cataract.T Kumanan, N Suganthan, M Malaravan.The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 46 (4), 247-247.2016

  47. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa-a rare congenital anomaly.S Pirasath, T Kumanan, K Sivasithamparam.Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 34 (3).2016

  48. Sternoclavicular Joint Tuberculosis: A rare extra pulmonary manifestation
    LMD Anoj, T Kumanan, G Selvaratnam. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 6 (1).2016

  49. A post-menopausal female with empty sella syndrome.R Vithiya, N Suganthan, G Selvaratnam, T Kumanan.Jaffna Medical Association.2016

  50. Metabolic syndrome.T Kumanan, R Vithiya. Jaffna Medical Association.    2016

  51. Spontaneous hydropneumopericardium.T Kumanan, S Pirasath
    Journal of Ceylon Ceylon College of Physicians.2016

  52. Acquired Subclavian Steal syndrome; a rare cause for Paroxysmal vertigo and syncope.
    A Jasiththa, T Kumanan, N Suganthan, P Lakshman. Batticaloa Medical Journal.2016

  53. Blood group AB is associated with dengue and dengue haemorragic fever in the northern province of Sri Lanka.K Murugananthan, S Subramaniyam, T Kumanan, N Ketheesan, …
    The Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists.2016

  54. Validation of rapid tests to detect urinary tract infection. K Manoharan, T Kumanan, K Murugananthan.2016

  55. Interrupted aortic arch in an adult.T Kumanan, M Guruparan, K Gnanakanthan, UK Ratnayake
    Ceylon Medical Journal.2016

  56. An acute coronary event due to vasospasm in a young healthy male with normal epicardial vessels.TSP Seneviratne, T Kumanan, M Logeswaran, M Guruparan
    Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians.2016

  57. Non-adherence of antihypertensive therapy: A serious public health issue in Sri Lanka
    T Kumanan, M Guruparan, MR Mohideen. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians. 2016

  58. Etoricoxib-induced pleural effusion: A case for rational use of analgesics.N Balasingam, K Thirunavukarasu, G Selvaratnam.Journal of pharmacology & pharmacotherapeutics 6 (4),       2015

  59. Microscopic haematuria: A rare presentation of typhoid fever. B Nisahan, K Thirunavukarasu, G Selvaratnam. Tropical doctor 45 (2), 151-1521.2015.

  60. Adult polycystic kidney disease and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: a rare genetic association.DAL Mariathasan, T Kumanan. Journal of Ceylon College of Physicians.2015.

  61. An update on pharmacotherapy of post herpetic neuralgia. A Arasalingam, T Kumanan, SN Thiyahiny.Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2015

  62. Myocardial injury following multiple bee stings.B Nisahan, G Selvaratnam, T Kumanan
    Tropical doctor 44 (4), 233-234.2014.

  63. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among nurses in a tertiary care hospital in northern Sri Lanka. U Mahalingam, K Thirunavukarasu, K Murugananthan
    Ceylon Medical Journal 59 (2).2014

  64. Bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy: A rare manifestation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
    B Nisahan, T Kumanan, G Selvaratnam. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 4 (2).2014.

  65. A rare cause of septic arthritis: melioidosis. AS Caldera, T Kumanan, E Corea
    Tropical doctor 43 (4), 164-166.2013

  66. An incidental finding of congenital methaemoglobinaemia in a patient with an allergy
    KGA Kumara, S Suganthan, T Kumanan.Ceylon Medical Journal 58 (2).2013

  67. Salmonella paratyphi A: A rare cause of infective spondylitis and psoas abscess
    KA Kumara, T Kumanan, G Selvaratnam.2013

  68. Sodium valproate induced hyperammonaemia in an elderly patient with affective disorder
    T Kumanan, R Jayaprakash. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2 (1)2011.

  69. Chloroquine resistant plasmodium vivax in Jaffna first reported case in Sri lanka
    KG Ajith Kumara, GJ Pratheepan, JA Pradeepan, T Kumanan. Jaffna Medical Journal.2011

  70. Management of Sepsis. J Indrakumar, T Kumanan. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 9 (40), 22-24.2008

  71. Two patients with co-infection of chikungunya and dengue. J Indrakumar, T Kumanan
    Journal of Family Medicine.   2006


Abstracts and communications  at scientific conferences
  1. Janani. T, Pushpana. P, Surenthirakumaran. R, Kumanan. T, Kannathasan.S. Amoebic liver abscess: An emerging threat in northern Sri lanka.Presented at EMBO Global course and Symposium on “Amebiasis”: Exploring the Biology and pathogenesis of Entamoeba”. Khajuraho, India.March 4-7, 2012.

  2. Right.B.P, Balakumar.S, Kandeepan.K, Arasaratnam. V, Kumanan.T, Sutharshan.M. Impact of Socio-Economic and Socio – Demographic Factors on Nutritional Status among G.C.E.(A/L) Students in Jaffna Zonal Schools. Presented at Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association , Nineteenth Annual sessions, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. April 2012.

  3. Sahitya. R, Kandeepan.K, Balakumar. S, Arasaratnam.V, Kumanan.T. Prevalence of Anaemia Among the G.C.E (A/L) Students of National and provincial Schools in Jaffna Educational Zone. Presented  at Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association , Nineteenth Annual sessions, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. April 2012.

  4. Kalaivani. M, Murugananthan.K, Kumanan.T. Validity of urine microscopy, nitrite and leucocyte esterase tests by urine dipsticks in diagnosis of urinary tract infection among the patients admitted in Teaching Hospital, Jaffna. Presented at Annual Scientific Sessions of Jaffna Medical Association September 25-29 ,2013 Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

  5. Ozaal AMOM, Vasikaran N, Kumanan T, Kumaran S. Impact of medical adherence on blood glucose control and factors influencing on medical adherence of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending to professorial medical clinic in Teaching Hospital Jaffna. Presented at Annual Scientific Sessions of Jaffna Medical Association September 25-29 ,2013 Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

  6. Mark Mithulan F J, Murugananthan K, Kumanan T. Occurrence of ventilator associated pneumonia and their aetiological and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in medical intensive care unit, Teaching Hospital Jaffna. Annual Scientific Sessions of Jaffna Medical Association September 25-29 ,2013 Jaffna, Sri Lanka

  7. K.Murugananthan,T.Kumanan, G.Selvaratnam, S.Sivansuthan, G.Sathiadas, N.KetheesaN, R.surenthirakumaran, F.Noordeen. Role of NS1 Antigen detection in the diagnosis of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Presented at 2nd Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Society for Microbilogy (SSM)-2013.

  8. Murugananthan, T. Kumanan, G. Selvaratnam, S. Sivansuthan, G. Sathiadas, N. Ketheesan, R. Surenthirakumaran, F. Noordeen (2013) Virological and immunological profiles in dengue fever suspected patients from the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Third International Dengue Conference in Thailand, 2013

  9.  Arasalingam A,  Kumanan T,  Vijitha K. An audit on neurological complications in chronic kidney disease in a tertiary hospital in Sri Lanka. Annual international conference of  Assosiciation of  Sri lankan Neurologists (ASN) 2014.

  10. Arasalingam A, Kumanan T,  Vijitha K. An audit on the practice of junior medical officers on the assessment of dementia amongst elderly patients presenting to general medical wards in a tertiary care hospital. Annual international conference of Assosiciation of Sri lankan Neurologists (ASN) 2014.

  11. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among nurses in a tertiary care hospital in northern, Sri Lanka.M Ushalini, T Kumanan, K Murugananthan.2014

  12. The Association Between Blood Group and Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
    K Murugananthan, K Thirunavukkarasu, S Subramaniyam, N Ketheesan et al. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.2014

  13. Congenital macrothrombocytopenia-A case report.TSP Seneviratne, T Kumanan, T Sooriyakumar. Proceedings of Annual Scientific Sessions of Faculty of Medical Sciences 2015

  14. A Descriptive Study on Stroke Subtypes and Risk Factors in a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern Sri Lanka.A Arasalingam, T Kumanan, K Kamalakkannan, M Visvakumar, …
    Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2015

  15. Pattern of Young Stroke in a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern Sri Lanka.
    A Arasalingam, T Kumanan, K Kamalakkannan, R Wimalawardhana et al.Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2015

  16. Value of Siriraj Score in differentiating Ischaemic Stroke from Hemorrhagic Stroke: A Sri Lankan Perspective.T Kumanan, A Arasalingam, K Kamalakkannan, M Visvakumar, …
    Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2015

  17. Stroke subtypes and risk factors in the Jaffna District-A hospital based study
    A Arasalingam, T Kumanan, M Visvakumar.Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2015

  18. A Post-menopausal lady with empty sella syndrome.R Vithiya, N Suganthan, S Gowri, T Kumanan. Endocrine Society of Sri Lanka.    2016

  19. Biological Risk Factors of Recurrent Ischaemic Strokes-Is there a significant difference compared with first ischaemic strokes.A Arasalingam, J Sanjeyan, T Kumanan
    Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists.2016

  20. Atherogenic plasma index in acute ischaemic stroke patients at a tertiary care centre in the northern province of Sri Lanka: a preliminary study.A Arasalingam, T Kumanan, S Balakumar, J Sanjeyan, D Vijeyaratnam et al.2016

  21. Prevalence of environmental Burkholderia pseudomallei in Sri Lanka. K Assig, B Folli, N Mubarak, T Senanayake, I Steinmetz, E Corea, T Kumanan, M Abeykoon, B Piyasiri. Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists.2017

  22. A Study on knowledge, awareness and medication adherence among patients in hypertension from a tertiary care centre from Northern Sri Lanka.S Pirasath, T Kumanan, M Guruparan
    Sri Lanka Heart Association.2017

  23. Melioidosis in northern Sri Lanka: filling the gap in the map. FN Mubarak, EM Corea, BJR Cooray, K Indranath, T Peranantharajah, GJ Pratheepan, S Sivasuthan, S Uthayakumaran, S Thavapalan, AD De Silva, S Ghetheeswaran, T Kumanan, JA Pradeepan, G Selvaratnam, N Suganthan. Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists.2017

  24. Levels of engagement in physical activity, barriers, and associated socio-demographic factors among Jaffna University undergraduates.T Luxman, PAD Coonghe, T Kumanan, R Kumar
    Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.2018

  25. ADD Joseph, ND Sirisena, T Kumanan, V Sujanitha. A family with hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and renal disease (Barakat syndrome) caused by a reduced gene dosage in GATA3.Rare Disease Forum of the Sri Lanka College of Pediatricians 2019

  26. TTP Jayadas, T Kumanan, SN Surendran. Clinical and Laboratory profile of Dengue NS1 antigen positives: an observational study from Northern Sri Lanka. The Institute of Biology: Colombo, Sri Lanka.2019

  27. TTP Jayadas, P Bharathy, K Suthakar, T Kumanan, SN Surendran. Geographical distribution of seroconfirmed dengue patients during single epidemic of dengue infection in Jaffna. Jaffna Science Association 2019.

  28. TTP Jayadas, T Kumanan, S Sharanga, SN Surendran.Diagnostic Challenges for Common Arboviral Disease in Screening Suspected Dengue Patients Based on Commercially Available Rapid Diagnostic Kits. Jaffna Science Association 2019.

  29. Kumanan T, Guruparan M, Rajasooriyar C.  The impact of Covid 19 on access to critical healthcare in a Non-High-Income country. IAS COVID 19 Conference 10-11 JULY 2020.

  30. Jenosha I, Sujanitha V, Kumanan T, Guruparan M, Pratheepa K. Changing role of warfarin in a cardiology outpatient department-A single centre experience from a state tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Jaffna Medical Association-Annual Academic Sessions 2020.

  31. Sooriyakumar T, Sujanitha V, Kumanan T, Arthy H. Bone marrow examination–Evaluating indications & diagnostic yield at a tertiary care hospital in Northern Province, Sri Lanka. Jaffna Medical Association-Annual Academic Sessions 2020.

  32. Jenosha I, Sujanitha V, Kumanan T. Anaemia in elders: a hospital based pilot study. Jaffna Medical Association-Annual Academic Sessions 2020.


  1. National science Foundation (NSF) Grant No: RPHS/2016/D 02 for a collaborative study with Faculty of Science under the project titled “ Development of an early warning system, a risk map and a prediction model for dengue and establishment of roles of asymptomatic carriers and brackish water derived mosquitoes in dengue transmission in Jaffna district”. ( Collaborated with department of Zoology and Geography)

  2. National Science Foundation ( NSF)  Grant No:RG/COVID/2020/HS/02
    Development of an Electronic Detection System for Rapid Diagnosis of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Collaborated with department of Physics and Zoology)


  1. Hypertension “The silent Killer”. A guide to Primary Care Physicians and Healthcare Professionals. By Thirunavukarasu Kumanan, Mahesan guruparan, Nadarajah Sreeharan.
    Published by Kumaran Book House.2018.
    ISBN  978-955-659-591-8

  2. Clinical Evaluation of Common Presenting Complaints. By Thirunavukarasu Kumanan, RMUKB Ratnayake.
    Published by Kumaran Book Hose.2020.
    ISBN 978-955-659-690-8


  1. Professor C Sivagnanasuntharam Memorial Oration – Jaffna Medical Association- 2018.
  1. Tropical infectious diseases including Dengue
  2. Amoebiasis
  3. hypertension